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sarusayan July 16, 2019 4:08 pm

So i had this argument with an ex-friend (don’t really have to make up because of past experience), but I’m considering to apologize. Not to make up, but to remove my bad habit of not saying sorry. Do you think that will help?

It really looks like I’m a bad person, but im not someone who argues a lot, so i have no experience T^T
I do say sorry if I accidentally hit someone and stuf like that

    lbean112 July 16, 2019 4:16 pm

    I do think it will help. I went through similar events myself. I've lost many friends due to our differences with maturity. I ended up stirring drama up and put myself in a very bad place (mentally and emotionally). I did not have friends and I didn't know why until I decided one day to apologize. You might be surprised about how much happier and lighter you feel. It's kinda like chains holding you down until you come to terms with your bad habits and change them.'s never easy, but baby steps!

    Good luck!

    BattleProxy July 16, 2019 4:23 pm

    don't worry much about how often you do it, honestly. A "sorry" without actually being sorry is much, much worse than someone who only says "sorry" when they really mean it.

    But if you are sorry, go for it! Clearing things can give you so much relief.

    Getting rid of old habits is surely hard, but don't give an half-assed "sorry" just for the sake of it. Do it if you are truly sorry.

    And please don't become someone like my ex (intense cringe inserted here), who would NEVER apologize, no matter how wrong he was, or how much he hurted others. Sorries means you repent, and repenting on your mistakes (and seeing and learning from others mistakes) can make you grow so much.

    Hope it helped

    sarusayan July 16, 2019 4:34 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Wisteria

    Its a little complicated, but its kind of both of our faults

    sarusayan July 16, 2019 4:34 pm
    I do think it will help. I went through similar events myself. I've lost many friends due to our differences with maturity. I ended up stirring drama up and put myself in a very bad place (mentally and emotiona... lbean112

    Thank you very much <3

    sarusayan July 16, 2019 4:36 pm
    don't worry much about how often you do it, honestly. A "sorry" without actually being sorry is much, much worse than someone who only says "sorry" when they really mean it. But if you are sorry, go for it! Cle... BattleProxy

    Nooo i do really think this time is my fault, so it won’t be a half assed apology
    And I’m happy you broke up with your ex, he sounds like a horrible person

    BattleProxy July 16, 2019 4:41 pm
    Nooo i do really think this time is my fault, so it won’t be a half assed apology And I’m happy you broke up with your ex, he sounds like a horrible person sarusayan

    then I'm rooting for you! :) giving the first step is the hardest. It takes a lot of courage to do it!

    Yes, I'm happy I broke up with him too haha sorry, that ex comment was so random now I re-read it.