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can we please get himari a #1 best boy trophy for being lovely and upfront and so unafraid...

vaisravana July 18, 2019 5:21 am

can we please get himari a #1 best boy trophy for being lovely and upfront and so unafraid of being vulnerable

really wish I could send the author a thousand love letters over how well put-together this is! their art style is so clean and distinct and it goes so well with the flow of the story it's. insane. the plot had everything not to take itself seriously - high school setting, dumb boys high on hormones, one of them so naive as not to know anything about sex -, but you can tell the author takes their craft seriously, because the story takes itself seriously. it doesn't half-ass itself just because the premise might be cheesy; it's a cheesy high school love story and a great one at that. I love it so much.

props to the translatiom team too - I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to make it so the dialogue was delivered in a way this fluid yet impactful. you guys did an amazing job!

    vaisravana July 18, 2019 5:20 am

    and since they're getting together anyway they can share the #1 best boy trophy gaku is a sweetheart!!!