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Chapter 5. Why doesn't Yukiya just take Kou-chan with him? I couldn't stay with someone ...

Anon January 20, 2014 11:28 am

Chapter 5. Why doesn't Yukiya just take Kou-chan with him? I couldn't stay with someone who just up and left and was gone all the time. I know the story was lovey dovey, but yeah, that's how I feel.

    Judo February 27, 2014 7:20 am

    Totally understand what you're saying. Don't know if you're female too, but I think that's how us women are, we don't put up with that kind of shit very well lol.

    Anonymous July 29, 2014 10:50 pm

    yeah, that's what annoyed me about the story too. He totally ruined that guy's birthday by making him stressed to the max about the fact his boyfriend was cheating on him. Then after the sex he left again. I don't think the guy should have gone back. Made the other guy work for him.

    amy-chan April 11, 2015 11:55 pm

    I've seen in books and movies this kind of story a lot were someone is a "wanderer" and they leave their loved one behind (mostly it's guys) and they always seem to romanticize this kind of thing and the whole waiting for them at home to come back even though it's lonely thing..I don't think anyone in real life would put up with that.. Unless the other person has to travel for work business trips and stuff then it can't be helped, I think if you really love someone then you'd want them to be a part of the things you do and if someone is ok with these trips and doesn't wanna join then at least you have to inform them of everything and be in touch so they wouldn't have to worry

    This Bitch August 4, 2016 7:56 am

    I actually quite like it because i like to be alone and too much of my gf makes me bothered and annoye. I actually haven't talked to her in about a week and we live like 10 minutes away from each other by car max.