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that was hot, sad, romantic, weird, and really good. i felt sad in the middle of the chapt...

Shadow1478 April 29, 2012 10:26 pm

that was hot, sad, romantic, weird, and really good. i felt sad in the middle of the chapter when the older guy started crying over his dead wife, but i'm glad he and the guy character from the previous chapter got together in order to feel the gaps in each others heart.
I recommend this to anyone who once a nice love story, with some mild sex scenes, a little cruelty, and romance between old guys and younger men. it was hard to understand, but still i liked it

    shiki February 11, 2013 7:59 pm

    ???? Am I understanding what you are talking about? Dead wife??? Did I read the same manga?

    Kyo March 1, 2013 12:31 pm

    @at shiki

    No lol I guess you didn't read the same manga I and Shadow1478 read