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looking for this manga and anime

Snow❄ July 21, 2019 2:42 pm

I've been searching for this anime ever since I watched the first episode, It didn't attract me at first but now I've been looking for it;-;
It's about this highschool boy (mc) whose ''partner'' is this big fluffy spirit (?) his classmates also seem to have spirits as their partners
I remember that one of his friend's partner was 2 girls, I could be wrong, the mc moves in with his partner
each episode was only 3 to 5 minutes long

there is also this manga that I've been looking for, sadly I only remember the cover of it
there was a boy sitting with black clothes (?) and behind him, there was this big fluff ball

idk if these 2 are the same stories, I still haven't found both of them even tho I searched for over 2 hours ╥﹏╥
