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Isnt this the same aurthor as samejima kun to sasaharakun? Hehe i love samejima to sasahar...

NIA January 21, 2014 1:13 pm

Isnt this the same aurthor as samejima kun to sasaharakun? Hehe i love samejima to sasahara there so adorable! Omg there so cute togethe i love how the story starts! And there purness and... everthing is just amazing!! Sorry... i talked too much about samejima kun to sasahara kun...
I liked this manga as well.

    Zoey January 21, 2014 1:23 pm

    Did look similar but maybe a manga before samejima kun to sasahara kun-like before her art got better-I'd love to see samejima kun to sasahara kun again but ever since fluffy deleted her site I can't read it-although she only had it on vid/drama cd-sucks that it's gone

    AndiAnime January 21, 2014 4:04 pm

    To ZOEY, i happen to have the drama cd to samejima kun to sasahara kun!! I put up 2 videos on youtube with my own manga translations and im currently working on the next chapters! Go check it out! :D its a great manga!!! ^_^ just search "Samejima kun to Sasahara kun" and you'll find it, my channel name is Andianime :}

    Zoey January 22, 2014 7:18 am

    To:AndiAnime-fucking A for awesome-will check it cause s kun to s kun rocks