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Whe I started reading this chapter, I tought it'll be an another good time with BJalex, ...

ReiyzaChan<3 July 21, 2019 3:04 pm

Whe I started reading this chapter, I tought it'll be an another good time with BJalex, and when I seen that it ended, it coused me a heartbreak!! ╥﹏╥ And just the other day I said that if it will end it'll be good to remember at it. But I'm happy about them. Jiwon and DG got together, Jiwon ended his show, and their relationship with the other characters remained good. IT WAS A VERY GOOOOOD MANHWOU!!! And I can reread it, but altought, I'm a lil'bit sad it ended /(/╥/∇/╥/)/
