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WHAT THE HELL ? ...he doesn't speak to her for at least a year and 6 months and the next t...

animelover January 21, 2014 8:55 pm

WHAT THE HELL ? ...he doesn't speak to her for at least a year and 6 months and the next time they meet their whispering sweet nothings ....

    corali February 22, 2016 9:39 pm

    WHAT THE HELL ? .... me too. After he doesn't speak to her for at least a year and 6 months? What did the guy do for her to fall in love with him? right!!!!!!! I would have dump him, this was such crap, agree, harlequin' stories are like that. Crap.

    Noodles February 14, 2017 4:10 am

    Blue Moon. That was really stupid.... The romance between them was forced.