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Is that Beru?

Baka Unko July 22, 2019 4:27 pm

Spoiler alert (not really?)
I already read the novel and believe me, it is more exhilarating than manhwa and one of my favourite shadow is Beru, the ant king monster who will make appearances in Jeju Island Arc and Im pretty sure that the last page in chap 80 is him (☆▽☆) He is a one hell of a monster and yet the damn cutest of Jin Woo's shadow. And if you are wondering if you can get to see interactions between jin woo and his father in any fastest possible way, you gotta wait for a long long long time because i can say there are about 10 main arcs and jeju island is the 3rd main arc after the current arc in the demon tower to fight Baran and their interactions is in the 8th arc so ...good luck waiting (●'◡'●)ノ
