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I admit defeat as a taku fan......

Yaoi is Bae July 23, 2019 4:42 pm

"As actors, we are the only ones who know it will work out in the end. The characters have no idea."

So far the movie they are filming is based on Jowoon and Heasoo's relationship. Jowoon is playing a more caring version of himself. The sentence can be rewritten as:

"As an author I am the only one who knows it will work out in the end. The characters and readers have know idea"

This is just a guess but I really think that the movie is meant to show the ending of this manga.

    kyra 23 July 23, 2019 4:47 pm

    How does that equate to Jowoon being chosen? The author pretty much stated that she only knows the ending. Because the movie is a parallel to Jowoon and Heasoo does not automatically show that they are endgame. Even by the author's note at the end if the season leaves a gray area. You cannot base it off that.