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This whole game is just impossible. I mean its really fuckin hard to identify someone as f...

Dickun July 24, 2019 6:00 pm

This whole game is just impossible. I mean its really fuckin hard to identify someone as fake when they all share the same memories and also I don't trust that Mr.Rose dude coz I feel that he's just manipulating and lying about everything for his own fun like that blue haired dude with the cast. I'm really doubting if he's really a fake. I mean it could be just a ploy to make everything complex and for the protag to confuse the real from the fake using reverse psychology like idk anymore. Guess I'll go wait and see to find out.

P.S: I really really don't want anyone to die. I badly want this to be a happy end. Please author make this work and give the guys some slack they deserve to be happy
