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To all the people ripping into the mangaka for the art and scattered storyline, I feel you...

Tsuki July 25, 2019 5:08 pm

To all the people ripping into the mangaka for the art and scattered storyline, I feel you. It's not my preference either, but I was curious as I'm sure most of us were, and now must live with the knowledge this exists.

In the mangaka's defense, this was mostly confusing for me because I don't know the context. It's a dj based on a manga that I've bnever heard of, but is apparently good enough to warrant an anime, games, and a live action movie.

It's called "Kaiji" and is about gambling. Check out some info I found to explain this mess.

    Marceline July 19, 2021 7:25 am

    Yup, djs are usually always just pure smut. No matter if it good or bad smut. Some djs do be innocent but 9/10 it’ll mostly have some kind of smut scene. It’s best to just look at the tags or never have high expectations when reading a dj especially ones when the cover clearly shows what will happen in the story.