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Man... I hate when translators stop posting and hope for others to pick it up.. I should h...

Dxsiree July 28, 2019 2:13 am

Man... I hate when translators stop posting and hope for others to pick it up.. I should have never even start reading this just to be stopped in the middle of it with a note stating, “This is the last chapter I’ll post.” I understand what the authors are going through but come on if you know something is going to end up hard and bad... please don’t get the readers hopes up by starting to post it and then giving up in the middle of it

    Minatoisbea July 28, 2019 2:23 am

    It's only up to ch. 9 in the raws which the translator stated multiple times -.-

    manga puppy July 28, 2019 4:53 am
    It's only up to ch. 9 in the raws which the translator stated multiple times -.- Minatoisbea

    Some people dont read leave them. They just looking to hate

    manga puppy July 28, 2019 4:55 am

    Um excuse me, its her life she didn't give up without out trying so can it please and be grateful. At least she introduced a manga to us soo when u could then u can "BUY" it okay?

    Ducknoodles25 July 28, 2019 6:18 am

    I hate it when translators drop things too, but normally, there are *translators*. Plural. Meaning they aren't verbally harrassed alone. Humans are stronger together. It's a shame that someone had to make the translator feel like shit which is only worsened by their doing things solo. Be grateful for the work they've done and the fact they've done it up to the raws available. The translator didn't raise your hopes. You did by pirating via this website

    Ducknoodles25 July 28, 2019 6:18 am
    Some people dont read leave them. They just looking to hate manga puppy


    Ducknoodles25 July 28, 2019 6:19 am
    Some people dont read leave them. They just looking to hate manga puppy

    Preach** oml auto wya

    YaoiPrincess December 6, 2019 11:00 pm

    Yeh, I see that your ok with any shitty translation as long as you get to read. No appreciation for the authors true intent with the work. Fuck you you fucking bitch. Stop bitching under other people's comment. Behaving like a complete wuss. Eat filth.

    D ace January 4, 2020 11:56 am
    Yeh, I see that your ok with any shitty translation as long as you get to read. No appreciation for the authors true intent with the work. Fuck you you fucking bitch. Stop bitching under other people's comment.... YaoiPrincess

    What the fucckkkkkk, you're the bitch here, no need to be so fucking dramatic for someone sharing their opinion, u are disgusting, if u appreciate their work so much stop reading on this website and buy their books and not being a fucking keyboard warrior here

    D ace January 4, 2020 11:58 am
    Um excuse me, its her life she didn't give up without out trying so can it please and be grateful. At least she introduced a manga to us soo when u could then u can "BUY" it okay? manga puppy

    Why don't u buy it yourself and not reading here?

    Dxsiree January 4, 2020 4:09 pm
    What the fucckkkkkk, you're the bitch here, no need to be so fucking dramatic for someone sharing their opinion, u are disgusting, if u appreciate their work so much stop reading on this website and buy their b... D ace

    Right, like I support the translator and all, but if you feel like you won’t be able to do it down the road, then you might as well not even start

    Dxsiree January 4, 2020 4:10 pm
    Yeh, I see that your ok with any shitty translation as long as you get to read. No appreciation for the authors true intent with the work. Fuck you you fucking bitch. Stop bitching under other people's comment.... YaoiPrincess

    Bitch, ur talking about not appreciation the author, but ur bitch ass is on the website right? Ok then you dickhead

    Dxsiree January 4, 2020 4:11 pm
    Some people dont read leave them. They just looking to hate manga puppy

    Oh I read it FYI..

    D ace January 4, 2020 4:16 pm
    Some people dont read leave them. They just looking to hate manga puppy

    Lol u're actually the one who's looking to hate here

    D ace January 4, 2020 4:17 pm
    Right, like I support the translator and all, but if you feel like you won’t be able to do it down the road, then you might as well not even start Dxsiree

    Yup, they are all fake pretentious people, pathetic.

    Dxsiree January 4, 2020 4:18 pm
    Yup, they are all fake pretentious people, pathetic. D ace


    D ace January 4, 2020 4:30 pm
    Um excuse me, its her life she didn't give up without out trying so can it please and be grateful. At least she introduced a manga to us soo when u could then u can "BUY" it okay? manga puppy

    Do u know the author so well to say that? How do u know that author didn't drop it just cu they're lazy? And are we supposed to be happy cuz she "introduced" a manga and dropped it? Just becuz they "work hard" or "make mangas" doesn't make them so special that they are immune to criticisms or people doesn't evn have any right to criticise them, and if u are Actually the type to get so sensitive and angry at every little thing, especially as an author/artist then u will become a flop, and u will not improve at all, and u might as well not put it out for other people to see and keep it to urself where no one can criticize you, and most of all, It's their job/work and if they put it out for other people to see, they are obligated to finish it,just like a student should study, an employee should do their job, etc. Everyone has a certain role, and Hard Work Does Not Matter, no one really cares, It's the result that matters.

    Dxsiree January 4, 2020 4:37 pm
    Do u know the author so well to say that? How do u know that author didn't drop it just cu they're lazy? And are we supposed to be happy cuz she "introduced" a manga and dropped it? Just becuz they "work hard" ... D ace


    D ace January 4, 2020 4:41 pm
    Preach!! Dxsiree

    YaoiPrincess January 4, 2020 5:43 pm
    What the fucckkkkkk, you're the bitch here, no need to be so fucking dramatic for someone sharing their opinion, u are disgusting, if u appreciate their work so much stop reading on this website and buy their b... D ace

    I hope a car runs over your pet.... or you

    YaoiPrincess January 4, 2020 5:46 pm
    What the fucckkkkkk, you're the bitch here, no need to be so fucking dramatic for someone sharing their opinion, u are disgusting, if u appreciate their work so much stop reading on this website and buy their b... D ace

    This is between me and the person who made the main comment. Keep out of it you fu**ing trash. Ugly mind your own business.