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I love the artwork but I'm a little confused about whats going on. All I can tell is that ...

THEFEELSTOOMUCH July 31, 2019 2:27 am

I love the artwork but I'm a little confused about whats going on. All I can tell is that the girl put in a questionnaire about herself being gay. And the other girl thought she was told on.. and evetuanlly they like eachother? Why.
. other than that I cant understand.. maybe my English isnt good enough >×<
Can someone help explain the story

    Heavensrun July 31, 2019 4:27 am

    Soo Eun found out Dorae's girlfriend was just using her, and started a fight on her behalf. Dorae was touched that Dorae fought on her behalf, but also that Soo Eun risked outing herself in order to protest the questionnaire. They also worked together to rally their classmates to resist the questionnaire.

    trinityanne July 31, 2019 10:26 am

    heavensrun has the correct answer basically

    Ranchballs October 2, 2020 4:12 pm

    What I got from it is the school is homophobic so they have to do those questionnaires and the blonde haired girl and the girl she was with before they had their thing but it wasn’t as serious and the black haired girl was in love with the blonde one so she asked her out and they ended up being a thing but idk why the black haired girl and the other one got in a fight

    Heavensrun October 6, 2020 2:38 pm
    What I got from it is the school is homophobic so they have to do those questionnaires and the blonde haired girl and the girl she was with before they had their thing but it wasn’t as serious and the black h... Ranchballs

    They explicitly said why? She was talking shit about Dorae and Soo Eunjoo likes Dorae, so she punched her.