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Eww, it was all about looks, looks and looks. Apparently all your problems will go away an...

Jane Doe January 25, 2014 11:17 pm

Eww, it was all about looks, looks and looks. Apparently all your problems will go away and you will get your crush when the "amazing makeup team" changes your appearance to something "awesome". Honestly, this was the most shallow manga I've ever read.

    Dime March 15, 2014 3:52 pm

    Hey are you sure we read the same manga, you should try and see what a lil help with those girls apparences help tese girls do. It helps tem accept themselves and gain confidence : that is it. And if you pay attention you will see that all of the guys liked them for who they were even without the apparence changed

    Anonymous August 16, 2014 12:10 am

    Yeah the just did miner things and it made them feel better it was just mainly about how you should feel about your self be confident everyone can be beautiful but you have to believe in yourself.