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How do I say this...

StillLiving July 31, 2019 6:33 pm

It's hard to express just how much I love this story. As a guy who, sorry if this is tmi but whatever, prefers to bottom it's hard to see myself in bl sometimes. Now don't get me wrong guys who are fem there's nothing wrong with that, but that's not me or most of the other guys I know. That aside though with a lot of these stories the bottom and more fem guy is usually the one that's more helpless or clueless. Again, nothing wrong with that but it's a trope that tends to be oversaturated. It was just really nice to read this and see that both of them were equals in there capabilities, even in there faults. It's strange to say this about a story about vampires but, the characters all feel very natural. I honestly feel like I know people with these personalities. I could even see myself in them. I guess I'm just trying to say thank you to those who translated this, it was a really nice read and I'm really looking forward to reading the next chapters too.
