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what is the so called spoilers to the main one? like is meng wu the son of shin?

So Um January 26, 2014 4:03 pm

what is the so called spoilers to the main one? like is meng wu the son of shin?

    Anonymous June 10, 2015 11:23 pm

    Meng wu is Moubu, Chang Ping is Shouheikun

    AvidReader June 11, 2015 6:56 pm
    Meng wu is Moubu, Chang Ping is Shouheikun @Anonymous

    That's wrong. Because, Moubou doesn't have a sister (as shown in the flashbacks as to when his father died), in the main story is said Shouheikun chose to go to Qin (oppose to the hostage situation of this story), and the eras are different since in Kingdom talks about when China was divided into 7 major countries and yet in this one China is divided into 10 countries..

    Anonymous March 3, 2017 3:35 am
    Meng wu is Moubu, Chang Ping is Shouheikun @Anonymous


    Beanzie May 18, 2018 1:34 am
    That's wrong. Because, Moubou doesn't have a sister (as shown in the flashbacks as to when his father died), in the main story is said Shouheikun chose to go to Qin (oppose to the hostage situation of this stor... AvidReader

    I got curious about this and looked it up and Shouheikun does return to Chu to rule and it said Moubu was the one who slayed him. I think the author added extras to this one-shot but it is historically correct. Sadly :'C