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Name of shoujo manga?

Kaleidocat August 2, 2019 11:45 pm

I need help finding this one shoujo-esque oneshot.:
It's about a girl who was once teased/bullied by a boy in her elementary school who made fun of her shiny black hair saying that it looked like seaweed. I think her name or the nickname they gave to her was wakane or something along those lines that meant "seaweed hair".
Anyway flash forward and she's entering high school and she is approached by a guy whom she remembers as the guy who used to bully/tease her in elementary. He recognizes her and he asks her out playfully and with no malice or teasing "have you gone out with someone before? I can tell you're a virgin." He has this playful playboy-like attitude but he isn't. I remember the girl's hand got scraped and when the guy helps treat her wound he ends up licking her hand wound (lol yea) and then when the girl overhears a bunch of guys teasing her, he doesn't find it funny, and gets defensive for her sake. She runs away and gets mad and says something like "so what, you used to do the same!" He ends up admitting that he only teased her in the past because he liked her and then they make up and he asks her out and everything is good.

I don't think it's on this site, so if you guys find it in bakaupdates or something, i'd be really grateful! Thank you!
