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Hear me out..

!VaND August 3, 2019 4:52 pm

Nalu may not be the biggest ship on the romance field (I mean because it’s not only Natsu, Lucy herself is quite childish at times when it comes to this kind of stuff) but if it’s anyone who I want Natsu to end up with, it would be Lucy. They have gotten each others’ back since day one they met. They are for starters best friends and they may not be the bigger romantics. But Natsu and Lucy share a very platonic relationship which feels pure and refreshing compared to other romantic relationships. You guys might not be able to imagine them doing couple stuff like holding hates or going on dates or having sex, because that is to each own’s preference, they fee comfy in each other’s presence. Love is subjective my friends. You see it that they’ve got to be like gajeel and levy, but no they are just Natsu and Lucy.
In my opinion, they bring out the best out of the both of them, protect each other like family and has the best chemistry. To y’all who say Natsu and lucy dot got chemistry is blind.
