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Hm... This is kinda one of those yaoi mangas that make me think "Where the hell do people ...

Ryo-kun January 28, 2014 8:51 pm

This is kinda one of those yaoi mangas that make me think "Where the hell do people get the idea that EVERYBODY is gay?" xD I don't want to sound mean or something, I love yaoi manga and I'm the last person that wouldn't support gays etc. , but still it's a fact that not everybody is gay... sure you often have friends with same interests and all, but it is pretty "unnormal" if so many good looking and gay guys go to the same school xD The Mangaka could have left out those other pairings and just added some more feelings, a little bit more story for the main pairing and some hot scenes... second is though it's cute and all that his best friends seems to be in love with him as well in the 5th chap. I'd have wished that he would have just seen him as a friend. Instead of loving him, he could have just realized how dear he holds him as a friend or brother like person
Just my opinion~
I think making it a little more realistic, thinking about the feelings a little more and all would make it better than more couples.
And anyway, why do people date after... meeting 2 times? or so, they never even really talked and barely knew each other ö.ö (the main pairing) isn't it strange that they got together so quickly?

    Rabbit Lover April 27, 2014 1:57 pm

    You have a rather long opinion about this story, don't you?

    Junki December 4, 2014 12:09 am

    I agree with you except for the dating after two meetings part. Fujimiya explained he had a secret crush in sakuraba for two years. The manga just lacked some follow up stories. Sakuraba was just lonely and Fujimiya was just too hot and popular.