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So this is like his past self or soemthing lol?? Ok so I like these kinds of plots but at ...

ari August 9, 2019 5:21 am

So this is like his past self or soemthing lol?? Ok so I like these kinds of plots but at the same time we’re seeing the present uke and the past seme so when past seme goes back to his time & the present seme is back!— they’ll have had like no screen time together so it’s kinda weird?? Does that make sense lol? Like I feel weird that the past seme & present uke won’t be together even tho they technically will since they each have each other but in different time lines??

    Misaqi August 14, 2019 1:31 am

    i like to think that he has his past memories back! that he was never a different person, but he probably regained his past memory and forgot the present one for a moment (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    haha but who knows