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hrnggg August 10, 2019 10:22 pm

does anyone know any cute manga or smth with the idea of like parent/child relationship. or like..... teacher student relationships??? just some cute slice of life or comedy uwu

    LexT August 10, 2019 11:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! WeLoveYaoi

    I don't recommend you read Usagi Drop if you're not into... twisted and weird ends. I don't want to spoil but things change after the 10 year arc starts and things get... creepy in my opinion. The anime is nice, but don't read the manga unless you don't mind things getting weird and not in a light way.

    A nice and cute slice of life manga if you haven't read is Chichi to Hige Gorira to Watashi and Amaama to Inazuma both are about parents taking care of small children and both are quite adorable.