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cathers August 15, 2019 1:53 am

Okay, so I have a math essay thingy and my topic or goal is to graph damage costs in relation to the categories of a hurricane. The problem is that the range of my graph goes from 125 billion to 1 million except my scale goes by intervals of 6 billion. I have about 5 points in the million range, but all they look like on the graph is one single point due to the large range. Is there a trick or something i can use to make them more visible that is valid and won't interfere with anything else???

    afroluv August 15, 2019 2:14 am

    Go with a smaller 30mil or choose a different graph type...for example if u want to correlate the hurricane intensity scale to costs in damages you could keep your current scale but choose a scatter plot graph. How do you account for human lives? Just curious. Anyway good luck!

    cathers August 15, 2019 3:57 am

    So far, just creating a separate graph for casualties, I just used the data from the national hurricane center and some Wikipedia citation stuffs, but thanks so much!!!