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What a shit manga...

Sanquin August 15, 2019 10:14 am

So many plot holes it's unbelievable. How did the kid get past security and on stage in the first place? If a human girl hit a kid like that it would be perfectly understandable, but she's artificially created so it's suddenly an A.I. gone haywire? Alkaid only JUST got a body, so she was basically a newborn. Yet they left her alone for god knows how long without any supervision. They specifically gave her a "likes to eat a lot" setting, combined with her never having been able to actually eat before. Then they're surprised she eats a lot? It's okay to just sell off an artificially created human to be a sex slave just like that? AI doesn't exist in our world yet, yet WE'RE already talking about the implication of proper AI and basic rights. How could this ever be legal? How did the fan find her house in the first place? And how did he get up to her floor without a ladder or anything?

It's just one contrivance after another, creating a huge unrealistic mess. And I can already see why. Because the author wants to have a dumb naive clutzy girl who likes to eat paired with a good looking egotistical asshole of a guy. God, haven't gotten this worked up about such poor writing in a while...
