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Don't solve everything through fighting.

JustBeingMyself August 15, 2019 6:46 pm

That poor dragon though. It's all that woman's fault for her reckless behaviour before observing the situation 1st with a calm mind. And not understanding what they're saying is an excuse. We humans can't understand animals either, but we learn to know their body language. We know when dogs wags their tails that they are happy, and when bare their teeth they might bite. She didn't checked the Dragon's behaviour. If the light beam was meant to attack them wouldn't the dragon put on a intimidating face 1st while doing so?

    ChelseyBear August 31, 2020 7:54 am

    Along time ago that was different. Don't lump everyone with you humans. I have a dragon soul and I'm a witch. I coverse with forest spirit's and animals. Many humans lost their instincts. They don't harmonize with nature or understand the old ways. Try having a shamanic experience an you would understand. Not everyone can awaken them like others. Everyone's different so it takes time for them. Everyone has these abilities though. You still all have it within you. Humans just forgotten how to use them. It's a gift so everyone can awaken them.

    ChelseyBear August 31, 2020 7:56 am
    Along time ago that was different. Don't lump everyone with you humans. I have a dragon soul and I'm a witch. I coverse with forest spirit's and animals. Many humans lost their instincts. They don't harmonize w... ChelseyBear

    Converse*. It's about to be 3am I'm a bit out of it. Just finished the manga anyways nice comment (=・ω・=)