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lf josei ?

Haru August 16, 2019 10:50 pm

So I'm looking for this manga I read a few years ago, I think it's a josei.
It begins with a woman watching a plant in front of her apartment and it reminds her the time she spent with a man. She met him when he was like sleeping in front of her house and they made a deal where he took care of the house and she would work. (It's not Kimi wa Pet) He never gave her his name. He did nice things like bringing her bath bombs or going out with her to pick up flowers and vegetables. One time she also gardens with him and he tells her not to get rid of one of the plant (the same plante we see at the beginging that triggers the memory). In the "present" it seems the guy left and she regrets her life without him, I don't know what happens next.
If you could help me please :')
