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ohhh it’s just a guy that likes to cross dress?

kam <3 August 20, 2019 6:40 pm

ohhh it’s just a guy that likes to cross dress?

    Lizza August 20, 2019 6:59 pm

    Yeah that might be the case. I just hate how people only see him as a trap and nothing else,it’s rude

    Lizza August 20, 2019 9:34 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    Are you that ignorant to say that to me when I just said that’s its rude asf?

    Lizza August 20, 2019 11:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    But point out the evidence of where the story actually says he is. Calling people a “trap” just because they’re in feminine clothing is disrespectful. It’s disrespectful on his part and on the trans community.

    0kbutH0w?l August 20, 2019 11:25 pm
    But point out the evidence of where the story actually says he is. Calling people a “trap” just because they’re in feminine clothing is disrespectful. It’s disrespectful on his part and on the trans co... Lizza

    But they are a trap, they are the literal definition of one. There's no evidence either that they're transgender either.

    kam <3 August 20, 2019 11:26 pm
    But point out the evidence of where the story actually says he is. Calling people a “trap” just because they’re in feminine clothing is disrespectful. It’s disrespectful on his part and on the trans co... Lizza


    0kbutH0w?l August 20, 2019 11:29 pm
    But they are a trap, they are the literal definition of one. There's no evidence either that they're transgender either. 0kbutH0w?l

    Scratch out the no evidence part ahh x(

    Lizza August 21, 2019 12:27 am
    But they are a trap, they are the literal definition of one. There's no evidence either that they're transgender either. 0kbutH0w?l

    It’s just cross dressing, that doesn’t make someone a “trap”. If a women were to dress up in masculine clothing, what would they be considered as? Again, it’s just disrespectful to go around calling people that.

    Lizza August 21, 2019 2:20 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    Y’all always wanna refer to calling people sensitive when you’ve been proven wrong. Since you think it’s so okay to go around calling people a trap, go google why it’s so damn rude and stop acting like such a kid.

    Lizza August 21, 2019 3:09 am

    I’ve never said it was illegal, but you’re acting pretty aggressive because things aren’t going your way. That word IS disrespectful. You cannot talk about a word like you know what it feels like to be called it. You don’t get to talk about something when you’ve ever been in that same position when someone has called you that. And it is your concern since you felt the need to be so ignorant and insensitive towards people who struggle with words like that.

    0kbutH0w?l August 21, 2019 5:54 am
    It’s just cross dressing, that doesn’t make someone a “trap”. If a women were to dress up in masculine clothing, what would they be considered as? Again, it’s just disrespectful to go around calling p... Lizza

    But we're not talking about people, we're talking about characters. I don't go around calling people traps just because they dress in feminine outfits, that sounds really dumb. I would honestly just tell you to search up the words trap anime description. You seem really heartfelt about this but we're just talking about a character not actual people.

    Lizza August 21, 2019 10:03 am
    But we're not talking about people, we're talking about characters. I don't go around calling people traps just because they dress in feminine outfits, that sounds really dumb. I would honestly just tell you to... 0kbutH0w?l

    If you people talk like this about a character, who knows what the hell you say to real people. Or is it just that y’all are kids on the internet acting tough?

    Lizza August 21, 2019 10:05 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    You’re really contradicting yourself right now and it’s pretty funny. Nobody here said I got offended by a word and somehow that makes you aggressive in the end. What you were saying made you look aggressive and sad ash to be sitting online acting like this. You have a disgusting mindset and I wouldn’t be surprised if you never found a partner to be with in the future.

    Lizza August 21, 2019 6:19 pm

    Calling you out for being ignorant, amongst other things, is not disrespectful. It’s clear you know you’re wrong so you want to end this conversation so soon. So, I hope you grow up and get a better grip at being mature and knowing the disrespectful impact that word has. Goodbye.

    Lizza August 21, 2019 7:27 pm
    Calling you out for being ignorant, amongst other things, is not disrespectful. It’s clear you know you’re wrong so you want to end this conversation so soon. So, I hope you grow up and get a better grip at... Lizza


    0kbutH0w?l August 21, 2019 11:50 pm
    If you people talk like this about a character, who knows what the hell you say to real people. Or is it just that y’all are kids on the internet acting tough? Lizza

    Tf, I would never say a transgender person or someone that just likes to dress in way, a trap. You're the ignorant one for that matter, I'm not even sure if you know what definition we're talking about. And you're putting words into our mouths, we never said we liked that about the character?? No wonder shyann got upset with you, I've been trying to be respectful with you but you are truly lost without reason.

    Lizza August 22, 2019 12:31 am
    Tf, I would never say a transgender person or someone that just likes to dress in way, a trap. You're the ignorant one for that matter, I'm not even sure if you know what definition we're talking about. And you... 0kbutH0w?l

    Again, if you have the guts to call someone that word that is a made up character, you’re fully capable of saying it to people. I never said you do, but I’m simply just saying you can. It’s clear you’re getting upset over being called out for something, so in the end that isn’t my problem. It also isn’t my problem whether you see me as ignorant or not because at the end of the day I’m not the one calling someone that word. Good day.

    0kbutH0w?l August 22, 2019 1:30 am
    Again, if you have the guts to call someone that word that is a made up character, you’re fully capable of saying it to people. I never said you do, but I’m simply just saying you can. It’s clear you’re... Lizza

    I'm not calling "someone" that it's a character. I'm going to tell you the exact definition just so we can end this. A trap is when you see a character who you (most often a guy) find very attractive (as a woman) and then later find out that said character is actually a guy. Then your feelings become all confused because you, as a typically straight guy, just found another guy attractive. That is why it is called a 'trap'.

    0kbutH0w?l August 22, 2019 1:31 am
    I'm not calling "someone" that it's a character. I'm going to tell you the exact definition just so we can end this. A trap is when you see a character who you (most often a guy) find very attractive (as a woma... 0kbutH0w?l

    *this is

    0kbutH0w?l August 22, 2019 1:36 am
    Again, if you have the guts to call someone that word that is a made up character, you’re fully capable of saying it to people. I never said you do, but I’m simply just saying you can. It’s clear you’re... Lizza

    I just find it boggling on why you would ever think I would call actual people a trap??

    0kbutH0w?l August 22, 2019 1:59 am
    I just find it boggling on why you would ever think I would call actual people a trap?? 0kbutH0w?l

    ahh sorry for the many notifs people in this chat. Also getting called out for what?