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Wait...that's it?

SilverTiger August 21, 2019 2:09 am

That didn't have any kind of conclusion or anything that a normal one-shot would have... This can't be it, right?

    CZeke July 5, 2021 9:52 am

    Oneshots are often designed to pitch a series, like TV pilots. This one probably didn't get picked up.

    CuddleQuill July 5, 2021 4:13 pm
    Oneshots are often designed to pitch a series, like TV pilots. This one probably didn't get picked up. CZeke

    After all of the one-shots I have read, I don't agree with the "often" part of your statement. I do agree that there are many promotion manga and webtoons, but there are just as many one chapter stories that actually have conclusions, even if they are subtle. But I do agree that this was probably made for a novel that didn't get enough interest for a proper manga series.