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I hate that I know the outcome of this story which is both of the MCs will be together bec...

Nori August 23, 2019 5:18 am

I hate that I know the outcome of this story which is both of the MCs will be together because they're bound by "fate", but the sunbae is just so much better than the other guy. The other guy is so boring and his personality isn't likable, they're not compatible at all.

    Meh -_- August 28, 2019 4:27 pm
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    No. Just like they can't have the Uke have non cringey pitiful self esteem or have a Seme that isn't an asshole who's straight that falls for the Uke. Its just an easy to write plot. The beginning may be different but the middle and end will be the same as any other mainstream BL manga.

    Meh -_- August 29, 2019 5:24 am
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    I honestly think most people are tired of the straight guy falling for a guy cliche. Along with Rape=Loves, all teenage-young adult girls are gossiping manipulative thots (if they aren't related to a MC), all gay men being perverts who can't be trusted to take care of a child and are doomed to a life of a misery, height determining who's power top and power bottom, ukes being being so cringey and pitiful you can't feel any sympathy for them, semes being so mean and selfish you just want them to die, etc.

    Meh -_- August 29, 2019 2:55 pm
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    They have the shape of a girl and are power bottom so that female viewers have an easier time imagining themselves as the uke. BL is made by woman for woman. And even though it is gradually changing some are trying to hold onto the past. Even though the typical reshashed BL plots are homophobic, have BI erasure and are sexist towards women.

    Meh -_- August 30, 2019 4:16 am
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    Its not degrading (when you say that you speak as if females are lower then males) its just disrespectful of the Seme to call the Uke in female terms when he identifies himself as a male. And by calling the Househusband in female terms it makes it seem like all females are supposed to be housewives, making it also sexist towards women. Typical BL is sexist towards Gay Men and Straight Women though so its not surprising. Just depressing.

    Meh -_- August 31, 2019 5:42 am
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    The mainstream BL doesn't seem to intent to change things but the bare minimum. If you want more up to date BL mangas go to webtoons or tapas. And as for the cliches. Their all connected. If you focus on one above the rest the other issues worsen. If you make the MCs gay and sympathetic as well as portrayed in a realistic light without the tropes asslciated with Uke (cringey pitiful unsympathetically low self esteem, short, stupid, overly feminine, poor, believes they are doomed to a life of misery if gay ) and Seme (jerk, smart yet stupid, tsundere, arrogant bastard who thinks that because the Uke doesn't remember them thinks they have the right to rape them without it being rape, keeps important things hidden from Uke, rich,) it'll fix the homophobia but the BI-Erasure and Sexism towards women will get worse. If the MCs are portrayed sympathetically and gay then the female trying to get someone with incompatible orientation through being a manipulative gossiping bitch will just make the females look worse then ever before in BL.

    Meh -_- August 31, 2019 7:26 pm
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    Yes but like I said you can't focus soley on the women you also have to focus on the gay. If you ignore the other their problems will worsen. As for that the best way to do it is gradually. For starters making the MCs gay will help fix both the homophobia and the sexism as a female will be seen less as a threat to the couple lessening the ire received from the viewers but also make it very difficult for the creator to make an excuse for a female to keep going for someone with incompatible orientation, all the while making the MCs gay will be a step in the right direction towards fixing the homophobia.

    Meh -_- September 1, 2019 7:58 am
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    I agree as well. Its either being presented as jerkasses or fujoshis for females. Unless their related to a MC, which is just bad as it presents all non related females as bitches or obsessive manipulators/air heads that a MC needs to find love which is pretty fucked up. And though it needs to change but currently it seems like most people on webtoons and tapas (but not all) seem to like fujoshi characters like that at the monent so it'll have to be dealt with at a later date until it showing up in nearly every BL manga gets repetitive for them. You can only see something done the exact same way so many times before you get sick of it. Its aggravating but most don't recognize it as a problem at the moment. Most being the operative word.