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While reading I wanted to slap that girl--and then she got slapped ;) after finishing...

Hana-Lilly February 6, 2014 3:42 am

While reading I wanted to slap that girl--and then she got slapped ;) after finishing & looking back she just wanted someone to love her, and was using Takashi as a replacement from her previous love (not that she didn't really start to love him too...but it started out like that) so I'm not that mad at her anymore. really good, but wish we saw more of what happens after the wedding & how their life is knowing they both love each other.

    akuma_river April 6, 2015 8:03 am

    She went through a lot for a guy she loved and was not only humiliated but destroyed by everything.

    I can't really blame her.

    It must've hurt when she realized she was repeating the past with Takashi and when she saw what was happening between Shou and Takashi and how much it was like her and her ex.

    It really was a rock and a hard place. She caused chaos but she did it purposely not to hurt them but to force them to make decisions instead of running away. Villainous behavior? Yes. But also righteous.

    I just don't understand why Takashi got disowned by his father. You would think he would see the writing on the wall and he seemed so accepting of their strange friendship. It seemed so out of character. But it was a plot point to get Takashi to live with Shou. Another way of making sure he wouldn't run away.

    That was the only thing I didn't like. The disownment. Especially with how it was played for comedy when it is a real issue with LGBTQIA people especially teens.

    Dai April 11, 2015 12:37 am
    She went through a lot for a guy she loved and was not only humiliated but destroyed by everything.I can't really blame her. It must've hurt when she realized she was repeating the past with Takashi and when sh... akuma_river

    I agree she went through a lot but that doesn't give her the right to do something like that.
    Because she already knew how Shou felt about Takashi, she was in no place to blame them for being happy together even if she had feelings for Takashi.

    Yes, she might have done that to force them to make a decision but you do NOT out someone.
    It wasn't righteous.
    Especially in a country like Japan where the majority of people are still against homosexuality.
    It was a manga, it was fiction so everything ended well, but in real life that could have been highly dangerous for Shou and Takashi.

    In real life you should never out someone without their permission.

    I agree with your last point though, the disownment should not have been portrait comedic and Takashi seemed too alright with that. It is a real problem for people.

    akuma_river April 11, 2015 10:36 am
    I agree she went through a lot but that doesn't give her the right to do something like that.Because she already knew how Shou felt about Takashi, she was in no place to blame them for being happy together even... @Dai

    Yeah I agree.

    Personally I think the mangaka did it just to push the story towards a conclusion and getting the 'happy ending' since it seemed like Shou was going to run off again.

    It seems he only stayed because they got outed. I'm not sure what to think of that.

    I think the mangaka just realized she wrote herself into a corner and just needed something bad to happen to make things work out. Possibly she figured the only way to get Shou to stay was to have Takashi keep an eye on him 24/7. Only way for that is if they live with each other. Only way for that was for them to be outed and Takashi to lose his home.

    Poor choices in my opinion since it made a sympathetic strong female character into a harpy who nearly destroyed their relationship. Not to mention to make light of disownmen and teen homelessness due to be LGBTQIA.

    Mameiha February 14, 2016 7:49 am
    She went through a lot for a guy she loved and was not only humiliated but destroyed by everything.I can't really blame her. It must've hurt when she realized she was repeating the past with Takashi and when sh... akuma_river

    I'm definitely in agreement over the disownment. Even as a plot conflict, it should not have been portrayed comedically. Perhaps a reconcilliation once they were settled in college would have removed some of the bitter taste left by the comedic disownment.

    I can't agree with the "righteous"-ness of Kana's actions. I felt that her actions were selfish, entirely self- serving and heinous. Her stated purpose for going to Tokyo was to take away what Shou had - Takashi. She pursed him with this goal. Takashi was polite, but never once showed interest in her as a potential girlfriend. When she realized that she had "lost" her manipulation game she "outed" them. Her goal was to pressure Shou into running away, not bringing them together. She says this herself at least twice. She was a manipulator from the word go. From Naoya - giving her body to keep him from her own delusion that he was in a relationship with Shou and attempting to use a child to bind Naoya to her - to her husband at the end - shotgun wedding. Since we don't have the full story on the husband I am making assumptions here, based on a pattern of behavoir and her own admission of not liking to "lose". There was not a cell in this chick's body that was selfless or righteous. She was just a shitty manipulator and all but her final manipulation failed miserably. The fact that Shou and Takashi weathered the rumors was due to their own feelings for each other, will and conviction, it had nothing to do with Kana. An analogy would be: Attempted murder doesn't mean you didn't try to kill, it just means you failed at it. Just because Shou and Takashi were happy doesn't mean Kana didn't try to make them miserable, she just failed at it.
    It could be argued that without Kana's involvement, none of the events that brought Shou and Takashi together would have happened. However, that is attempting to bring the "butterfly effect" into a work of fiction. Which is impossible, since fiction stories have cause and effect that is determined by the writer, not fate or "chaos theory". Thus, the argument fails. IOW Kana's involement DID bring about the events that lead to Shou and Takashi's relationship, where another character's actions or plot conflict did not, because that is how the writer wrote the story. (I hope I wrote that clearly and didn't make it more confusing)
    Sorry about writing a novel, but thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts and opinions.