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I need to know before continuing, does the mc ends up breaking up with the weird jung ? He...

leina August 26, 2019 1:01 pm

I need to know before continuing, does the mc ends up breaking up with the weird jung ? He gives me gossebumps ( ̄∇ ̄") and does she end up with inho ??

    fullofsins August 26, 2019 1:39 pm

    She end up with Jung

    leina August 26, 2019 8:50 pm

    She didn’t break up with him ?

    fullofsins August 26, 2019 11:14 pm


    leina August 27, 2019 12:49 am

    oh too bad.. I guess I just liked inho too much

    blatantescapist September 1, 2019 2:08 am

    I think the message is to accept people for who they are lol. Our MC knows Jung's personality because she witnessed it during the first semester. She still stuck with him despite his difficult personality. And from what I remember, he's been nothing but doting despite his 'creepy' vibes.

    blatantescapist November 15, 2019 9:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! peevacorn

    Well, good thing he's not real then. He can't hurt you.

    blatantescapist November 15, 2019 9:50 pm

    To be fair... Nearly everyone in this comic is crazy.

    fireshootingstar February 28, 2020 5:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! peevacorn

    I get what you mean, I wouldn’t find myself capable of trusting Jung, but in Thisbe manhwa you can’t actually see him growing as a person. I will forever resent him for what he did to Inho, but most of the stuff he did had justification (except Inho, Seol and the gay guy). Anyway it’s really interesting watching his character change