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i see what's going on here. He's just a replacement eh.

Sayuri August 30, 2019 6:13 am

i see what's going on here. He's just a replacement eh.

    hahaoof August 31, 2019 2:36 am

    maybe not. nazuna might be an unreliable narrator and he's just feeding his guilt by punishing himself through having sex with his sister's bf. raws show he seems to have a thing for the bf. liking bf = betrayal. maybe matsuba, the bf, is indulging the dude even tho he knows it's wrong. he likes the gf (serina) to an extension, nazuna AS FAMILY but lusts for the guy so he's just as confused. he might be aware that nazuna's punishing himself. matsuba doesn't seem like the kind of dude who's use nazuna tbh.

    hahaoof August 31, 2019 2:36 am

    i am tempted to mtl since we have the raws lol