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Spoiler up to ch.30 . . . . . . . . . . (Based on the chinese raws) She regains her youth ...

Anonymous August 30, 2019 9:43 am

Spoiler up to ch.30
(Based on the chinese raws)
She regains her youth once more as the cat dude kisses her and disappears.
He shows up some time soon, but as a cold hearted man in a business suit, in a presumably high position. He has forgotten about her. He treats her as coldly as everyone else and even flung her to the streets one time. I despise amnesia in stories, but it works everytime. It makes people sad and devastated or annoyed every time. Made even worse by his cruelty. She makes him the same messy cake she made for him before he turned her young the 2nd time and it triggers a memory. He eats the cake and treats her nicer than before, probably realizing that she's linked to a forgotten past or so. By chapter 30, thanks to an accessory, he remembers a lot more and remembers what he did before he turned up as who he is now. (It's still a mystery how he even got to such a high position in a short time, in the first place when he's a dying magical cat who has nothing with him except good lòoks and pure talent. Just how much time passed and just how amazing is he to get that position fast?) I think by Ch. 30 he remembered everything, but I still can't be too sure. I skipped ahead to Ch. 47 (latest chapter in Chinese raws) and saw that it seems he remembers fully, he even had a flashback of his past before he met the main character, and how and why he turned into a cat.
