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It's 3am and I'm crying at the club

t00be August 31, 2019 10:42 am

I am weak.
I was afraid this manga would be angst ridden and thereby hard for me to trudge through. It took me forever to read this. First, it took me a few years to even crack it open even though I had put it on my to-read list and bought the full set. And second, it took me longer to get through because some of the tougher scenes made me put the book down. But I am thankful that my emotional ass managed.

I enjoyed the author's way of developing the characters. Making them flawed, making them unlikeable, making them likeable. I appreciate Yoshitoki's way of allowing us to understand the turmoil that each went through without having to force feed us. Each character in the end found some redeeming quality and those that didn't really - I like to think of it as part of life. What I mean is that fact that not everyone got punished for their actions but one of the points of the story was to teach about growth; in life your bullies won't always own up to their crimes either. This is when you need to let go. I personally interpret Shoya's willingness to not pursue and punish Kawai, while also trying to (literally) open the door to a new journey with his old friends and bully as an act of growth and letting go. This is why, though I dislike Ueno and Kawai, I don't see it necessary to have their characters punished. As Ueno said: "fuck karma," because the story wasn't about that. I also think it's noteworthy that the darker undertones of suicide, which is usually a heavy burden on a story, is made more subtle and weaved in such a way where it doesn't seem unnatural. I think this topic was well discussed even if it wasn't well developed.

Still, I must voice my disatisfaction at the almost rushed ending. I would have enjoyed a time jump, allowing us to see if their friendship truly holds in the future but that is just my personal preference.

    MOSHIYUSHI July 29, 2020 11:32 am

    I think it was a great ending. Showing us that even if we can't see the future, the door awaits for them and through their struggles, personal problems, and experiences, and with all of these things they are finally strong enough to move forward and strive for what is to come, may it be bad or good. Overall I am satisfied considering how developed the casts especially the types of Ueno which I must say the author managed to write her really well. She is unlikable but that's the point, she has her flaws and what I like the fact is through these flaws that I come to like her more. Her redemption does not feel forced, in fact I actually loved it because it fits with her character so much. Kudos to the author for making such a life-changing story.