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Fikka Louise September 1, 2019 5:38 pm

Tsukasa is the type of guy where they deeply in love with Riku but, well since Riku not around I have to fuck with different people and I'll stop this behavior after Riku found me.. Is that it?

Haa... I mean no harm to Tsukasa but..hmm a little disappointed towards him.. Like, if you love Riku and you know he will find you, why didn't you jusy devoted yourself to Riku instead of letting someone else taking your virginity? Hmmmmmm.... Ummmm.... ( ̄ε(# ̄)

    Rozichi January 30, 2020 12:48 am

    Salute !!!!! I totally agree with you (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜