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Help I need some advise! So in the middle of the summer I decided to get out of my comfort...

Just another fugoshi September 2, 2019 3:31 am

Help I need some advise! So in the middle of the summer I decided to get out of my comfort zone and go to a big school where there’s a lot of people and maybe a few kids that have the same interests as me. I used to go to a smaller school where there’s not really a lot of kids and don’t really notice me and don’t have the same interests. So I guess my question is how do you make friends and start conversations?

    vihu. September 2, 2019 3:46 am

    have enough confidence and go up to them, say hi and ask a couple of questions. That should hopefully start a conversation

    ex.) what are your interests? Hobbies?

    one4thepoet September 2, 2019 3:47 am

    I know this was a hard but exciting choice you have made. Be ready for both positives and negatives. The key to a larger school is just to be comfortable as who you are and know that you are your own person. Take each day as it is, one day in a long line of days. I found the easiest thing for me to say to myself when I went abroad was - is this going to matter in 5 years? It was hard but in the end what seems like the end of the world in the moment is actually just a bump in the rode and ended up helping me become stronger and a better person! I am sure you too will find your strength and find new and interesting people to surround yourself with! Enjoy your new adventure and remember you are never alone!