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Searching for similar story

Vieruodis September 2, 2019 11:24 pm

I'm searching for a one shot (included in a manga as extra) with a story similar to this one.
I already searched my reading list and can't find it ╥﹏╥

The main characters are two guys (childhood friends, iirc) trapped in a school full of zombies. The seme tried his best to protect the uke, and they both were looking for their families.
Then, the uke found his father that was already turned into a zombie. The uke then was bitten by his father. Knowing that he won't survive, he told the seme to leave him alone but the seme refused, confessing that he's been in love with the uke for the whole time and that there's no point to continue living if the uke is not with him.

After the uke turned to zombie, the seme then was bitten by the uke, They both died.
