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I love how yall saying what you would have done if you were in the seme's situation. Talki...

zamiac September 5, 2019 10:01 pm

I love how yall saying what you would have done if you were in the seme's situation. Talking about how you would have never brought an innocent person into. You lying. People to the lowest most vile thing to get revenge. People pinpoint a person,a weakness and exploit the hell out of it. You would have done the same or worse so probably lease don't act innocent. Just gang rape the granddad! Ha! His old ass would have died half way through and what good is a dead man for revenge. Harsh but understandable. Instead of saying what you would have done maybe should just hope you never get to that point. Not everyone goes to see reason like the seme did. Also the uke wasn't raped. Did the uke really have Stockholm syndrome considering the fact that he like the seme before the kidnapping and forgave him because he could sympathize?
