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Looking for a certain yaoi

Alycat.11 September 6, 2019 9:27 am

I read this yaoi a while ago and the art style and cute story was great, but I can’t find it now. It’s about a small nerdy guy (uke) that is saved by the seme who is a delinquent. To become his delinquent underling or just close to him he dyes his hair blonde and cuts it really short (though he’s still really cute and small) and enrolls in the seme’s school. The seme isn’t good at studying so the uke who’s still smart helps tutor him I believe. That’s all I remember it’s been a while so I may be a lil off. Thank you!

    Alycat.11 September 6, 2019 9:54 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Wonhoes_lemonz

    Lol it’s ok yea I’ve read that one, and it’s not the one, but thank you for replying anyways :)

    T-T September 6, 2019 10:02 am T-T

    the link didnt work when i tried it so try this:

    Artemis September 6, 2019 11:44 am

    OMG DID THE uke have black hair in middle school and wore glasses ( i think) the seme saved him from the bullies, then the uke dyed his hair blonde, got a nipple piercing and i think it was only the 2nd or 3rd chapter that they started the bang. Anyways the uke always had a crush on him, despite the seme being someone who sleeps around. I think it was something along the lines of " addicted to his body" well....i think.

    Anonymous September 6, 2019 11:56 am KyoZaNa✿

    Miss you

    Anonymous September 6, 2019 11:56 am KyoZaNa✿

    Are you busy with something? I rarely see you nowadays

    Anonymous September 6, 2019 12:06 pm KyoZaNa✿

    Im here since 2014

    Emirii September 6, 2019 12:09 pm
    Emirii September 6, 2019 12:10 pm this what you are looking for? Emirii

    Oh wait nvm he has natural blonde hair

    Alycat.11 September 7, 2019 4:18 am KyoZaNa✿

    That’s it!!! Thank you so much!!!

    Alycat.11 September 7, 2019 4:19 am KyoZaNa✿

    That it!!! Thank you so much!!! Also thank you to everyone else who looked for me!!

    KyoZaNa✿ September 7, 2019 8:04 am
    Miss you @Anonymous

    How SWEET! Thank you~! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶