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*SPOILERS* Kamo is in love with Chika, since he could not be together with his ...

Help for you guys who can't understand... February 11, 2014 9:09 pm


Kamo is in love with Chika, since he could not be together with his brother when the brother in question died, he felt like he should try to spend the most time possible with chika in case something happened. he also used to understand his brother when they acted similar so he tried to do the same with chika. Ashiya loves chika and chika knows it. Chika doesnt want to break the friendshp he has with Ashiya so he goes out with Kamo but later he starts liking him. Kamo decides to go study abroad while he still has 2 years of school. Chika says Kamo chose his brother over his lover. And when Kamo comes he says that he chooses his lover over his friend (Ashiya), this means that he is ready to reject Ashiya and that if their friendship breaks apart because of it, he will accept it. Chika tells Kamo that he will go to the US after he graduates to join him. Later, while Kamo is in the US, Ashiya and Chika join him and the lovers reunite (Though it seems Asiya still hasn't given up on Chikam he now accepts the 2 and tries to be friends with Kamo).

    HongoShiori February 21, 2016 6:00 pm

    Thanx... This really help me (▰˘◡˘▰)