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MeMeMe September 7, 2019 4:44 am


....because of the summary I thought he’d end up with the highschooler and for that reason I was slightly surprised at the end when he didn’t ....but the boss is nice and by the last chapter I thought “aw, well this is sweet”

    blatantescapist September 7, 2019 3:35 am

    I personally disagree. I'm glad he didn't get together with the high school student and went with the boss. When the boy caught his eye, it was when he was at his lowest point in life. Incredibly lonely, wanting company after being dumped by his ex. Of course you'd be interested to someone who took the time to 'save' you. Not long after, Kanou started to think things like, "It's appropriate to keep my distance and just admire these high school students from a far".

    Notice how the kid only appears when Kanou needs a "campanella" to guide him? A companion like in "Night on the Galactic Railroad". That seems to be his 'job'. We don't really learn much about his personal life apart from what he tells Kanou.

    The kid feels fleeting and unreachable, while the boss feels more grounded. He'd already shown hints that he was interested in Kanou since the start. He would buy an extra drink to create opportunities to talk to Kanou, and would even point at Kanou's collar to button up (he later admits it's because he finds it sexy).

    It's great the author chose the more mature and realistic choice instead of the predictable one. I can't help but find it sweet when the boss and Kanou were affectionately referring to each other as old men.

    MeMeMe September 7, 2019 3:55 am
    I personally disagree. I'm glad he didn't get together with the high school student and went with the boss. When the boy caught his eye, it was when he was at his lowest point in life. Incredibly lonely, wantin... blatantescapist

    Lol yes I’m not saying it’s unfortunate, as the development towards Kanou and the boss’ love was most definitely there, I was just surprised because I guess in my mind I omitted the mention of the boss in the summary and right away thought this would be a straightforward kind of book with him falling in love with the high schooler that saved him. In a way I’m glad that didn’t happen because as you said, Kanou being at a low point in his life was just searching for love in anything and looked to the high schooler as his “savior” but as he himself got out of that hole and could accept himself and find a new kind of love with more reasons than just not wanting to be lonely (although that might always be one of the reasons why we want to love someone) he could find true happiness with the boss and I love that aspect. So as I processed the story more afterwards I found that I wasn’t disappointed in the least with the outcome of this story (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Mint September 14, 2019 6:45 am

    4 thumbsdown? I can't blame you though OP, even I thought he will be with the highschooler because of the synopsis.
    But I'm very happy with the ending.

    blatantescapist September 14, 2019 7:04 am
    4 thumbsdown? I can't blame you though OP, even I thought he will be with the highschooler because of the synopsis.But I'm very happy with the ending. Mint

    If it confuses you, you can always write the synopsis yourself and ask mangago to update the summary. If not, I can do it for you lol.

    Mint September 14, 2019 7:26 am
    If it confuses you, you can always write the synopsis yourself and ask mangago to update the summary. If not, I can do it for you lol. blatantescapist

    Did I say im confused? I just said the synopsis got me the idea of them being together. Is that triggering? LOL (≧∀≦)
    Do it then, if it'll satisfy you. LOOOOOL

    blatantescapist September 14, 2019 9:00 am
    Did I say im confused? I just said the synopsis got me the idea of them being together. Is that triggering? LOL (≧∀≦)Do it then, if it'll satisfy you. LOOOOOL Mint

    I noticed a lot of people getting confused by the main pairing so to save them the disappointment, I might as well fix it. Sure, I'll do it.

    MeMeMe September 14, 2019 10:07 am
    4 thumbsdown? I can't blame you though OP, even I thought he will be with the highschooler because of the synopsis.But I'm very happy with the ending. Mint

    Lol yes I’m not sure if I triggered anyone with my comment, but I was happy with the ending too. It was just a misunderstanding of the synopsis on my part ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mint September 15, 2019 3:12 am
    I noticed a lot of people getting confused by the main pairing so to save them the disappointment, I might as well fix it. Sure, I'll do it. blatantescapist

    Not dissappointed, pretty satisfied with the ending. I was just like.. "oh well.." ending was great so there's no room for disappointment in my part but that's great if you can change it.

    blatantescapist September 15, 2019 3:30 am
    Not dissappointed, pretty satisfied with the ending. I was just like.. "oh well.." ending was great so there's no room for disappointment in my part but that's great if you can change it. Mint

    Lol, I already did. I just changed the words a little since the summary was based on the translated version of the official JP summary found in Amazon. I probably should've gone with the one from Goodreads. It says "ちょっとズレてる真面目な上司×ヨロめきやすい傷心の寂しがりBL" <<< they actually mention the boss as the pairing.

    I changed the heart flutter towards the student to 'excitement' (close to tokimeki lol) so it can be vaguely interpreted. Added 'wavering feelings' as a follow up for the boss.

    blatantescapist September 15, 2019 3:36 am
    Lol, I already did. I just changed the words a little since the summary was based on the translated version of the official JP summary found in Amazon. I probably should've gone with the one from Goodreads. It ... blatantescapist

    I quick googled. The additional mention of the boss is also found in cmoa and other Japanese sites. I guess it's the full, extended version of the summary?