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Arisueii September 9, 2019 8:37 pm

Akihito is useless as fuck if you were to bring him to war. I've been reading this for what like... The past 10 years (or longer i think) and he is nothing but a useless baggage during crisis.

    Peach September 9, 2019 8:44 pm

    Well he WAS a photographer for newspapers to start with, lol. And yes he is useless at WAR but Asami will feel better having the person who stole his heart beside him right? Not like he's supposed to do anything, but he's kind of not useless either.

    Mixtress Bathory September 10, 2019 4:03 am

    ironically that useless baggage, smacked one of the hitters who railed Asami's apartment, with a frying pan. this saved Asami from being shot (killed) so...