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Dayuum! I fucking love it! Girls need to be like her, observant and smart. I love how she ...

HUH! February 14, 2014 4:20 pm

Dayuum! I fucking love it! Girls need to be like her, observant and smart. I love how she twisted everything and OUTSMARTED all of them. No, I don't think the guy was acting like a jerk, it was never stated he cared for her clearly, thus he has no fault whatsoever. He's just like an oblivious guy who knows nothing if she didn't clearly convey her feelings and she never once did she ever show she had feelings for him to him. Just like she isn't a bitch for her actions he ain't also a jerk either. Though I find it hard to tell if they even love nono LIKE each other for that matter. This whole game just killed the chemistry that's supposed to be between them and I can't possibly imagine them two start dating either. Though, I gotta say that other twin was rather....dumb. Too bad she involved herself with two twisted brilliant minds LMAO
