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Tora-san September 16, 2019 5:14 am

The vampires are ironically more human than the humans. That’s actually really clever. I like this story.

Honestly, immortals are always portrayed with this sense of becoming a ruthless beast and while yes, being subject to the repeated trauma of death might do that to you, at their core, they’re still complex animals capable of thought. Just like humans. That’s all you need for empathy and by extension, compassion. It isn’t a “curse” really, and they aren’t slaves to their food source, per say. Like everything else, they need to survive. However, immortality changes the game just a little bit. Rather than fighting death, they fight living without a purpose, which is a type mental death/resignation. The father’s wife died for that.

Normal humans struggle with finding their purpose in life sometimes, but most of all, they just fear death in general because it’s missing the unending journey to find said purpose. By the end of our lives, we value the experiences rather than that idealistic end goal we taught ourselves to chase as we go on.

On the other hand, vampires or immortals in general deal with a similar conditions but the issue is vice versa. They have eternity to wrack up experiences, so they take that for granted, but they can’t fight for an end goal, as they have all the time to accomplish whatever. As a result, they get desperate for an anchor, a landmark after wading through a vast sea of endless turmoil and bloodshed, so they latch onto things with defined lives.

You know, that kinda just means there will never be a happily ever after even for the pairs that remain together. Like the father and his wife, the couple will latch onto an interest in mortals again and begin the endless suffering that is watching something live and die just to give themselves a reason to still be around.

... Um, if you’re wondering why I wrote all this... I’m procrastinating on assignments. This isn’t really much of an opinion on the story or anything lol
