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shit i dont get it. is there anyone here who can spanish?

fkkfkfkfkf February 17, 2014 12:17 am

shit i dont get it. is there anyone here who can spanish?

    Aaahhh~~ April 18, 2014 9:06 pm

    Okey, so, Moto was raped by Itan (violently), then Itan went to try and kill Sazz and they fought. When Moto wakes up he goes to Sazz becouse he thinks Itan has attaked him. Sazz doesn't tell him what happened and just makes an excuse. Since Moto doesn't know Itan was the one who broke into the house (and tried to kill Sazz) he doesn't tell Sazz he was raped (though Sazz kind of knows already). Now we have ourselves in quite a complicated situation:
    We have (What's his name?) Itan's boss trying to get Moto to go to him (he says the only reason he's with Sazz now it's because Sazz and him (Itan's boss) are really similar.
    Then we have Itan trying to get Moto back, Sazz trying to protect him and Moto....well, Moto tells Itan that if he gets himself out of all the shit he is involved in, he'll willingly go to him.

    (hope it helps)