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shit. fuck. shit. this was so. cute. so wholesome and good. fuck. I was flustered the enti...

vaisravana September 19, 2019 7:07 pm

shit. fuck. shit. this was so. cute. so wholesome and good. fuck. I was flustered the entire time and had to pause here and there to try and stop blushing. I cried when sakiko cried GOD damn that was great. between this and Golden Sparkle there's enough proof that all you need is a pleasant art style, good dialogue and clean, straightforward storytelling to come up with a great story - no intricate twists needed. I'm being well fed and I'm thankful

    vaisravana September 19, 2019 7:11 pm

    I have so much to say but what struck me the most was the straightforward approach to asahikawa's orientation and his daddy issues even if briefly like. can we have this sort of mature narrative in every single manga out there please