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Tora-san September 22, 2019 5:32 am

Pleeeease bruh, I cant take more annoying females as plot devices. I’m not offended or anything but it’s just a bit irritating, yeah? Like I’m sure there are other ways to distract the characters, maybe some self reflection or personal strife, not convenient exes popping up left and right, the hell

    crack dad September 22, 2019 11:26 am

    Agreed. It's honestly so sexist.

    crack dad September 22, 2019 11:29 am

    Like as much as I love here U are, women being portrayed as nuisances is a big BL cliche that bugs the fuck out of me. Realistically speaking, women are generally gay allies. Why can't we have some healthy gay man/woman relationships instead? Highlighting the fangirl's fetishy behavior was probably a better example. Djun introduced an unhealthy yaoi cliche before the character realizes its wrong and selfish. Not sure why he's going off road with this one..