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I will let my imagination go wild, as well. But , it won't be a happy ending for the main...

ren September 23, 2019 2:04 pm

I will let my imagination go wild, as well.

But , it won't be a happy ending for the main girl. Because in my own ending, the main guy is truly in love with Kawamura, but he cannot confess just yet because of Kawamura's personality. Kawamura does give them an opportunity to be together, but main guy is very oblivious and dense. I guess it's because he's stuck up on Kawamura. No one , not even the most sensitive reader, can feel any emotion coming out of the main guy for the main girl.... but definitely, there's so much for Kawamura.

I hope main girl decides to make her "dreams" written in her diary come true , and finally confess her feelings , and accepts whatever the outcome will be. At that point in the story, which is sadly the ending, she will confess, and get rejected.

Sadly for the main guy, this will not go well with Kawamura.

The happy ending will be Kawamura and main girl will become the best of friends.

I think this is a a story about friendship between 2 girls, not romance.
