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Hooman September 28, 2019 12:44 pm

someone give me excuses to not go to my dads please, I'm running out ¯_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯

    ordinary September 28, 2019 12:49 pm

    I have an important assignment to finish so later dad

    Kai September 28, 2019 12:52 pm

    ->say that you're on period and u need to curl up cus of immense pain
    ->Say that you have a big project whose deadline's you need to start now or else you wont be able to finish (or extend to the point you gtg to ur friends house for help)
    ->Say the truth,"I dont wanna.My life is short.I can't waste time on useless things"

    Hooman September 28, 2019 12:55 pm
    ->say that you're on period and u need to curl up cus of immense pain->Say that you have a big project whose deadline's you need to start now or else you wont be able to finish (or extend to the point you... Kai

    Ah, my dad ain't gonna let me that easy... Bruh he's legit gonna attack me for not wanting to 'see him'

    Hooman September 28, 2019 12:56 pm

    Fuuuuckk I hate men. So fucking much. Like bro if you're gonna fuck off to your boyfriend's house, then why bother wanting to see your own daughter? Like cunt this don't add up- gahhhhhhhhh i have to see his ass tomorrow ffs

    Hooman September 28, 2019 12:56 pm

    Thanks everyone btw (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I'm just real mad atm sowwy⊂(◉‿◉)つ

    MogBog September 28, 2019 1:25 pm
    Thanks everyone btw (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I'm just real mad atm sowwy⊂(◉‿◉)つ Hooman

    Hope everything works out for you!

    elephantcockroach September 28, 2019 1:45 pm

    just be real, have a fight, rather than avoiding him forever tell him your side, truth ain't gonna be pretty but your father wants to see you, and maybe if he can see reason in your argument maybe he'll reconsider. Maybe you guys could compromise.

    I hate my father since he's an alcoholic, I hated. let me just, I FUCKING HATED HIM FOR IT! But, being an alcoholic isn't just the whole being of my dad. You get what I mean? They may have less than pleasing sides when we want them to be role models since, like, they really are and they should be. But, they aren't perfect we aren't perfect and we don't need to be.

    That's just my take on that sorry that's long/

    Hooman September 28, 2019 1:55 pm
    Hope everything works out for you! MogBog

    Aww, thanks boo

    Hooman September 28, 2019 2:11 pm
    just be real, have a fight, rather than avoiding him forever tell him your side, truth ain't gonna be pretty but your father wants to see you, and maybe if he can see reason in your argument maybe he'll reconsi... elephantcockroach

    Honestly, I've taken considered this conversation with him ever since I was eight, but it's just difficult? Just hear me out before you attack me, he will do anything to throw me or my mother under the bus (they both got divorced when I just popped out lol hence why idgaf), the last time I didn't see him for a full few months he would 'force' me into admitting it was all my mothers masterplan because apparently, I was too young and dumb to be scared of my own daddy( i was only a mere 8 year old going through severe malnutrition due to stress :)) then he had the audacity to come and try to forcefully get me! What the fuck cunt? don't get me wrong, I don't hate my father- as much as he's SCUM, MANIPULATIVE, CONTROLLING and childish retard- I still disgustingly love him.
    But recently, hes just reverting to how he used to be. Hes now visiting his lovers house whenever i visit and barely even seeing me, he says he cares about me but do you? mate if youre going to fuck over the weekend and leaving your daughter with your sister- care my fucking ass mate. dont get me wrong, i dont care that hes visiting another person nor am i jealous, im just fucking mad that hes walking away with this proud badge of 'i totaslly took care of this chick throughout her life instead of ruin it'. it just pisses me off.
    anyway, im really fucking sorry that you had to read :(
    I kind of have no one realising that im currently not the one to go to with their own boy, school drama hahahahahaha... youre fine they said when i legit just said i cant make it to some shitty gathering becuase of this fucker istg mate

    Hooman September 28, 2019 2:12 pm
    just be real, have a fight, rather than avoiding him forever tell him your side, truth ain't gonna be pretty but your father wants to see you, and maybe if he can see reason in your argument maybe he'll reconsi... elephantcockroach

    btw cheers mate :) these past few weeks have been brain-damaging

    elephantcockroach September 28, 2019 2:16 pm
    btw cheers mate :) these past few weeks have been brain-damaging Hooman

    yeah, but you got to hold on. Time flies. You aren't going to be in that position forever. Just hold on. I hope you're okay. You can get through this. :)

    Hooman September 28, 2019 2:18 pm
    yeah, but you got to hold on. Time flies. You aren't going to be in that position forever. Just hold on. I hope you're okay. You can get through this. :) elephantcockroach

    brooo you actually dont know how much i needed to hear this

    Hooman September 28, 2019 2:18 pm
    yeah, but you got to hold on. Time flies. You aren't going to be in that position forever. Just hold on. I hope you're okay. You can get through this. :) elephantcockroach

    like im in tears for no fkn reason

    Mayumi September 28, 2019 4:43 pm
    Honestly, I've taken considered this conversation with him ever since I was eight, but it's just difficult? Just hear me out before you attack me, he will do anything to throw me or my mother under the bus (the... Hooman

    With a shitty dad like that I would probably just be like "no i won't see you uncle I don't like you" and if he'd attack me with mOtHEr'S pLAn and shit I'd be like "are you sure it isn't you planning this whole thing and just projected it towards my mother so you have the guts to see me?" (refer to psychology defense mechanism: projection for more details) good luck :/

    elephantcockroach September 30, 2019 5:00 pm
    like im in tears for no fkn reason Hooman

    It's okay. Once in a while we need to get things off our system. it's really nice that you shared your feelings. There's no need to be sorry when you want to express yourself. It helps you and as a stranger to listen to you is the only thing I can do right now to help. and I hope it helps. Its okay. you can cry :)

    elephantcockroach September 30, 2019 5:20 pm
    Honestly, I've taken considered this conversation with him ever since I was eight, but it's just difficult? Just hear me out before you attack me, he will do anything to throw me or my mother under the bus (the... Hooman

    As much as I promote cultivating a healthy family relationship, I highly would want you to stabilize your mental health. if your father is causing you mental and emotional damage then it is only right to have a break and give yourself some space away from him. If they force you and you are not ready then don't go, if you can tho, I can sense that you have a hard time disobeying your parents and thats good of you but you must secure your mental health first because damaging it will be bad in the long run. You have to take care of yourself okay? You should eat. if it gets too much turn your pain to something, you can have a talk with someone, write about it, paint. Its also in Sigmund Freud's Defense Mechanism that's the most nice to do. I forgot which one hehe. again I wish you're okay. :)

    udontknowmeanduneverwilllol October 2, 2019 9:34 pm
    As much as I promote cultivating a healthy family relationship, I highly would want you to stabilize your mental health. if your father is causing you mental and emotional damage then it is only right to have a... elephantcockroach

    Hahahaha awww thanks so much! I do paint, write or do creative things, that's how I would usually cope and I've been doing fine the past few days too lol :) I odnt think this immensely affects my mental health? just times where it's a tad out of the control and what not Blablsbla nough of me blabbering, I just want to thank you a lot for taking your time to write these (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ have a good life person ily mwuah

    udontknowmeanduneverwilllol October 2, 2019 9:38 pm
    With a shitty dad like that I would probably just be like "no i won't see you uncle I don't like you" and if he'd attack me with mOtHEr'S pLAn and shit I'd be like "are you sure it isn't you planning this whole... Mayumi

    Smart and good idea...but may start conflicts :/ idk what to do when I get attacked lmao so I usually try to avoid it with my father, you get me? If not, he'll become a child and throw tantrums and blablabla but tanks for the luck (๑•ㅂ•)و✧