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i love the art <3 the story is quite interesting. some readers just need to learn the...

KuroUsagi September 29, 2019 9:30 pm

i love the art <3
the story is quite interesting.
some readers just need to learn the difference between what reality and fantasy is.
it's like being angry about a movie because there's murder when the genre is horror hahaha.

    ninereeds September 29, 2019 10:45 pm

    look up "false equivalence" and then come back to this.

    murder is still romanticized and glorified but not nearly to the same scale that rape is, seeing as the normalization of rape and rape culture has lead to a multitude of factors, changing the way people behave and how seriously people take cases such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and all variants of rape (as is evident in people being quick to denounce the importance of why they think it's okay to engage in a rape scene as though it's erotic to abandon the very implications of that the moment they are unable to deny that it was indeed rape). fiction affects how u see reality. nobody is immune to that, and no one's general ideals popped up just because someone else told them: media has always had a hand in the formation of our thought processes.

    sit on that one for a while

    Charly September 30, 2019 4:33 am
    look up "false equivalence" and then come back to this. murder is still romanticized and glorified but not nearly to the same scale that rape is, seeing as the normalization of rape and rape culture has lead to... ninereeds

    Variants of rape?? Isn’t rape just one thing? And if rape was as normalized as you say, would the MeToo movement even exist? Would women be finding the courage to speak out about their experiences and bring their rapists to justice, if it was so normalized?

    Yes, the issue of rape is a serious one and in yaoi manga it tends to be romanticized, but this is where separating reality and fiction comes into play — as the original poster put it. Fiction serves as a fantasy playground, yet it can also be a tool to bring out real issues in our world. As right-thinking adults, I honestly do not believe people really think that rape is how romantic relationships start. If it is you want to take a realistic view, then yeah maybe Stockholm Syndrome can lead to a rape victim falling for their rapist. But no one should be taking these BL stories that seriously...unless of course it resonates in some profound way for them and is realistic in its portrayal of relationships.

    I’d also like to know how murder is romanticized? Sure it may be glorified in certain shows (as one show comes to mind - Spartacus) but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen murder treated as if it’s a good thing outside of vengeance plots.

    ninereeds September 30, 2019 9:31 am
    Variants of rape?? Isn’t rape just one thing? And if rape was as normalized as you say, would the MeToo movement even exist? Would women be finding the courage to speak out about their experiences and bring t... Charly

    1) when i said variants of rape, i was talking about things like statutory rape, child rape, etc. the MeToo movement was necessary BECAUSE people normalize it so much and are dismissive of the people who experience it, because to them, they're either lying for attention or it isn't that serious and they "should've worn more modest clothing." that whole movement came to life for that very reason? do you think being open about being a rape or sexual assault victim was made simpler or taken seriously as it should've been before that point? or that it is now? there are entire articles and essays that could be made (and have been made) about how rape culture affects every aspect of people's lives. even then, the MeToo movement was met with opposition, with people continuing to doubt the stories of the victims and saying "come back with proof!" and "innocent until proven guilty!"

    it's a huge problem and there are so many layers of it that can't be unpacked in this comment alone, but rape being normalized and the existence of rape culture is alive and well, and i witnessed just that much recently when i found out that someone had been sexually harassed and multiple people decided they wouldn't say anything to anyone or get any help because they were goading the perpetrator into feeling proud of it. instead of asking me how it's normalized as though i have all the answers, it'd really benefit you to do some research about rape culture.

    2) you may have a certain perception of how seriously people take what happens in bl/yaoi mangas because that's not how YOU view it, but i've seen and experienced multiple people imposing the ideals they got from reading bl manga onto people in real life several times over. there are So Many People who really do take it seriously, TOO many people who take it seriously and think they're learning about the lgbt community and life itself through these works alone. i guess we haven't been exposed to the same things, but i could write an essay that spans several pages long about the interworkings of the communities in which straight girls specifically are yaoi fans and how they come to believe that they've obtained extensive knowledge about people and life situations reading stories that written by straight women for straight women using gay men. that's a topic by itself. no one SHOULD be taking bl mangas this seriously, but they do, and that's the problem.

    3) when i say murder is romanticized, i'm really referring to people who try to make romantic love interests out of real life serial killers, or making creepypasta characters love interests for their whirlwind romance stories. more often than not, the murder that a character commits is romanticized by and through fan interaction, though again, i'm guessing that we haven't seen much of the same things. in context of the current conversation, however, i will admit that i should've just said that murder is glorified since it's done through fiction or media from the creators, and that it's then romanticized through fan fiction.

    sorry for the thousands of paragraphs. it seemed like you really did want to have a conversation, so i wanted to address all of your points.

    Charly September 30, 2019 12:32 pm
    1) when i said variants of rape, i was talking about things like statutory rape, child rape, etc. the MeToo movement was necessary BECAUSE people normalize it so much and are dismissive of the people who experi... ninereeds

    No don’t apologize, I did want to have a conversation cause I found your points to be interesting. But I disagree that rape was ever normalized and MeToo didn’t start because of that. It began exposing these high society men who’ve been taking advantage of women, children etc. for far too long. Rape has never been normalized; but the rich and religious (speaking of Catholic priests who’ve paid hush money to these victims’ families) had the power to sweep this under the rug — and still do now.

    And another point, even within the wake of MeToo there were some women found to be lying about being raped. The reality is some women do actually lie about these things (making it difficult for real victims) and there are men whose lives were ruined because of it. Again, if rape was normalized, things like that wouldn’t happen.

    The stigma attached to rape is an unfortunate one. Often times victims of rape are preyed upon by persons they know/are close to; which is part of the reason most women do not speak up. The judicial system however, tends to be shit in bringing some perpetrators to real justice.

    To be honest, the yaoi fans you mention are clearly not mature if they use these stories to project such expectations on real life couples. These have to be preteens/teens, and I know that they are a minority — even though they seem to be crawling all over the place on this site.

    As for those who romanticize murderers, I believe this is also a minuscule number. I found out that was a thing while on tumblr; but those are just edgy girls who think they’re cool for liking psychopaths.

    KuroUsagi October 1, 2019 3:31 pm

    as i said, readers should learn the difference between fantasy and reality~
    if some readers can't enjoy this manga, it's better to look for another one, maybe a fluffy and innocent manga~ as for me, i enjoyed this one. but that doesn't mean i romanticize rape OR murder irl hahahaha. i know the difference :)

    but it's true, sometimes media (not only in manga) can affect ones thinking of reality. still, in the end, it all depends on how that person's upbringing, mental state and experience can affect their thinking of what rape is (and murder and any other criminal act).

    but really, enjoy what you can as long as you wont cause any trouble for others ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍